Ever thought game controllers were too boring? Buttons too predictable or where you expect them to be? Here’s your chance to build your own take on what a controller should be. Build an alternative controller for a game you love or make a game harder with hard to master controls! Write your own game and build a controller to match!

This workshop will help you build a custom game controller with some basic crafting and a tiny dash of electronics.

What you’ll need:

  1. A laptop or some kind of portable gaming device which can be controlled with a USB controller
  2. If you want to create a controller for an existing game remember to bring the game!
  3. If you have big plans for what you want to make you can bring some materials to help your build

What we’ll supply:

  1. Parts for a USB game controller. If you don’t want to program it, don’t worry! It’ll behave like a USB controller out of the box
  2. Crafting materials (paper, cardboard, pens, glue, etc)
  3. Programming and soldering assistance for the more adventurous! We’ll use using Raspberry Pico based devices.

💖 Big thanks

What is ALT.CTRL.GameCraft?

ALT.CTRL is another way of saying “Alternative Game Controllers” and a fun way to create and build your own custom controllers to play a game. There’s lots of different types of alternative controllers.

GameCraft is an Irish not-for-profit who run “game jams”, a gathering of people under one roof, or even virtually and make a game given a theme. It’s a friendly competition and great way to meet like-minded people from the industry, art, other creative fields, or anyone curious about make games. Games can be digital (e.g. video games) or analogue (e.g. tabletop games, card games).

ALT.CTRL.GameCraft is a combination of all above. We will provide pre-made kits for you to create whimsical and fun game controllers to play an existing game, or for an additional challenge, your own game made on the day.



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What is a GameCraft about?

It’s a game jam for people who are interested in game-making to come together under one roof to make games, meet people and generally have fun. GameCraft provides a venue so you can concentrate on making fun games. We also provide food and beverages throughout the day.

Code of Conduct

It is important that you have read the Code of Conduct before registering, people who have not read it will not be eligible for the game jam.

You can read it here: https://www.gamecraft.it/codeofconduct/

Is this a workshop?

Kind of, we will show you basics of what to do at the start of the event, and you will build on that to make your own fantastical game controller. Organisers and volunteers will be there on the day to assist you if you have questions and need help.

Do I need to bring anything?

You bring your own tools, laptops, sound equipment, peripherals, software, assets, etc. Except the DIY game controller, we do not provide any equipment.

Is it all about digital games?

No, you can make non-digital games like boardgames, card games, RPGs, other types of pervasive games. Chat with us on the day and we can see what can be done.

Am I able for this event?

YES! You like games, and having fun. You don’t have to be a programmer, if you can draw, tell stories, make music, and more… come along! We need more designers, crafters and makers!

Is there an age restriction to participate?

Yes, GameCraft events are all adult events (over 18s) unless specified. Normally when you sign up, you have to agree that you are over 18 before completing your registration.

Do I have to be in a team?

No. Each participant gets a kit to make their own controller, but you can also work in groups together to come up with even more fun ways to make a controller.

How many can we have in a team?

As many as you want. :-)

What about ownership of the games/controllers we create?

All games/controllers and content produced during GameCraft events remains the full property of their creators. GameCraft makes no claim to anything participants create. When you take part in GameCraft events you own everything you create.

All trademarks remain property of their respective owners. See https://www.gamecraft.it/privacy.

Each participant can bring their own controller kit home after the event. 🙌